About Sharon Hayes

I am very lucky to live near the ocean on Cape Cod. Looking at moving water every day informs my work in some significant but mostly unconscious way. I am inspired by things washed up on the beach after a storm, by rust, erosion, and decay, by peeling paint and patinas of all kinds. I am interested in things which show evidence of a prior life, of history hidden and revealed. Every work shows all my moments of doubt and uncertainty, but also moments of total immersion when I finally intuitively know how to get where I’m going.
Sharon Hayes is an American painter who lives and works on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Her work incorporates a variety of materials including collage, acrylic, oil paint, cold wax and encaustic. She has exhibited her work at the Provincetown Art Association Museum, the Cape Cod National Seashore, Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill, A Gallery in Provincetown and at Yankee Ingenuity in Chatham, MA. In a past life, she has tended vineyards, herded kittens, talked to plants, married a hoarder, been a monk, jumped out of a plane, lived in a shack, a yurt and a barn, tended bar, hitchhiked to California and never looked back (because, as they say, you're not going that way.)